Monday, August 30, 2010

States of Water

There are 3 states of water. They are solid, liquid, and Gas. As we know there are various liquid solutions, which are formed by combining two liquids.

Gas to Liquid:  When the gas changes to liquid , we have a process of condensation. So, in this process gas cools and loses energy. So, the water particles are forced to change the state, from gas to a liquid.

Liquid to Solid: When a liquid changes to solid, the process is called freezing. When the liquid cools below the freezing point and loses energy. Then the particles are forced to change state from liquid to a solid.

Solid to Gas: When a solid changes directly to a gas, the process is names Sublimation.

Liquid to Gas:  This is a process where liquid changes into gas and the process is called evaporation. 

 I hope we have understood the different states of water. for more science help, please look into my other posts on science.

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